Home Daylight saving time change calendar 2025 Current local time and time change Time Europe US Canada T. difference AU Australia MX Mexico Asia World World
To get a quick view of the time difference between countries, you can refer to the 4 basic colors used in the time zone = Multiples of 4 hours.
For ex. between Dubai, UAE and Beijing, China, the time difference will be 4h.
The Clock time is updated with the time change, along with the time zone and summer or winter symbols. + info. 24 hour clock format. World Time Map
Asia countries by time zones and current local time
Eastern European Time
Israel Lebanon
Israel Time Zone Eastern European Time
IST = standard +2h
IDT = daylight +3h
EET = standard +2h
EEST = summer +3h
Gaza Strip - Palestinian Territories West Bank - Palestinian Territories
Eastern European Time Eastern European Time
EET = standard +2h
EEST = summer +3h
EET = standard +2h
EEST = summer +3h
Egypt Cyprus
Eastern European Time Eastern European Time
EET = standard +2h
EEST = summer +3h
EET = standard +2h
EEST = summer +3h
Note: Only some countries in Middle East use daylight saving time
Middle East Time Zone Map
India and Southeast Asia Time Zone Map
Cities in Middle Eastern countries
AST /Turkey Iran
Arabia Standard Time Iran Standard Time
UTC = +3h
No daylight saving
UTC = +3:30
No daylight saving
Bahrain Iran
Iraq Ahvaz
Jordan (from 2022) Isfahan
Kuwait Karaj
Qatar Kermanshah
Saudi Arabia Mashhad
Socotra Island Qom
Sukhumi* (Georgia) Shiraz
Syria (from 2022) Tabriz
Turkey TehranCapital of the country
Yemen (the whole country)
*belongs to Georgia  
Cities in Middle Eastern countries
West Asia - UAE-OM Afghanistan Time
Armenia Afghanistan
Azerbaijan Kabul Capital of the country
Georgia* Kandahar
Oman Herat
United Arab Emirates Khost
United Arab Emirates and Oman Time Zone Afghanistan Time Zone
UTC = +4h
No daylight saving
UTC = +4:30
No daylight saving
*(Except Sukhumi, Abkhazia UTC +3h.) (the whole country) No Daylight saving
Middle East Time Zone Map
India and Southeast Asia Time Zone Map
Cities in Middle Eastern countries
Central Asia Time Central Asia Time
Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan
Kazakhstan (west) *Kazakhstan (east)
Aqtobe Almaty
Atyrau AstanaCapital of the country(Nur-Sultan)
Kyzylorda Shymkent
Mangystau Karaganda
West Kazakhstan (all east Kazakhstan)
*As of March 1, 2024 the eastern parts of Kazakhstan that have been observing UTC +6, changed to UTC +5. All Kazakhstan without daylight saving time.
South Asia Time South Asia Time
Islamabad Capital
Karachi Most populous city
Dhaka Capital
Male Capital
Thimphu Capital
Southeast Asia T. Southeast Asia T.
Cambodia Brunei
Laos Malaysia
Thailand Philippines
Vietnam Singapore
Indonesia (west) Indonesia (central)
Bangka Belitung Isl Bali
Central Kalimantan East Kalimantan
Jakarta Capital of the country East Nusa Tenggara
Java Lesser Sunda Isl
Lampung North Kalimantan
Riau Islands South Kalimantan
Sumatra Sulawesi
West Kalimantan West Nusa Tenggara
WIB = Waktu Indonesia Barat +7h WITA = Waktu Indonesia Tengah +8h
Indonesia Standard Time +7h Indonesia Standard Time
No Daylight Saving Time No Daylight Saving Time
East Asia Time Southeast Asia T.
East Timor Palau
Japan Indonesia (east)
North Korea Maluku Islands
South Korea Papua
  West Papua
China - Some major cities
CST= standard +8h
No daylight saving
Beijing Capital Nanjing
Chengdu Qingdao
Chongqing Shanghai Most populous city
Dalian Shenyang
Dongguan Shenzhen
Foshan Tianjin
Guangzhou Wuhan
Hangzhou Xi'an
Harbin Zhengzhou
CST = China Standard Time -8h
No Daylight Saving Time
* 2 time zones Capital Capital Most populous city Most populous city Capital of the country Capital of the country

Asia Time Zones

Asia uses a total of 13 different time zones, ranging from UTC+2 to UTC+9.

8 time zones coincide with the meridians multiples of 15º = 60 exact minutes, and

5 time zones are in intermediate meridians of 30 and 45 minutes. (four of 30' and one of 45'). These intermediate time zones, are highlighted with different colors to the usual 4 (yellow - orange - green - pink).
Asia Time Zones
West Asia (EET) / West Asia (SA) / West Asia (UAE) / Iran / Afghanistan / Central and South Asia / East Asia (+7+8) / India / Nepal / Myanmar / Southeast Asia (+7+8) / Mongolia / China / Indonesia / East and Southeast Asia (+9). Asia map

Asian countries with daylight saving time

West Asia, specifically the UTC+2 in standard time / UTC +3 in summer time or what would be the same EET / EEST (Easter European Summer Time), which includes the countries: Cyprus - Israel - Lebanon and Palestinian Territories, all of them advance 1 hour during summer time.

Iran, Jordan and Syria no longer use DST, the last daylight saving time change was in 2022.

Current time of these Asian countries

Asian countries with 1/2 hour time zones

Asia has 4 countries that adapt their time zone, right in the middle of the meridians multiples of 15º equivalent to 1 hour.
That is, they use time zones adapted to the 30-minute (1/2 hour) time slot, instead of 1 hour.

Those countries are: Iran - Afghanistan - India - Myanmar (Burma). See Asia map

Iran   Afghanistan
UTC +3:30 UTC +4:30
India Myanmar (Burma)
UTC +5:30 UTC +6:30

Nepal, a country with a 3/4-time slot

In the Northeast part of India, Nepal is located, with UTC +5:45 time zone, that is with an interval of 3/4 of 1 hour or 45 minutes. Which can be somewhat more complex to calculate the difference with other different time zones.

Although to make a faster calculation, it is enough to know the time zone of India +5:30 and add 1/4 of an hour more (15 minutes), or what would be the same, subtract 15 minutes to the time zone of Bhutan or Bangladesh both UTC +6:00 with which we would obtain the time of Nepal.

India Nepal
UTC +5:30
UTC +5:45
UTC +6:00

Time Zones colors

4 colors to differentiate the time zones - - - that make up the 1-hour time slots = 15th meridians.

In turn, these colors can be practical to visualize the time difference between countries with the same color, since they are multiples of 4 hours. (4 colors).

For example, if we want to visualize the time difference between Israel and Bangladesh as quickly as possible (as both have the same brown-orange color), we will know that the time difference between both will be 4 hours or multiples of 4 hours, (except when one of these countries, this using daylight saving time and the other not)

More Ex.: The time difference between Saudi Arabia and Thailand both in yellow (if both countries continue like this, without using summer time), the time difference between these countries will always be 4 hours. The same would happen with the rest of the colors. See Asia map

Israel    / Bangladesh
UTC +2:00 / 3:00 UTC +6:00
Saudi Arabia Thailand
UTC +3:00 UTC +7:00

Intermediate Time Zones in Asia

There are 5 countries in Asia that do not adjust to the exact time 60 minutes corresponding to meridians multiples of 15º.

To differentiate these 5 countries from the rest, 5 additional colors have been associated with these intermediate time slots. In this way, it can be easier to distinguish them from most countries that adhere to the 1-hour time slot.

There are 4 countries with a time zone that fit the 1/2 hour time slot, and the 5th Nepal, which fits the 3/4 hour time slot. All 5 appear with different colors.

These 5 countries with intermediate time zones are: Afghanistan - India (Sri Lanka) - Iran - Myanmar - Nepal

Iran   Afghanistan
UTC +3:30 UTC +4:30
India / Sri Lanka Myanmar Burma
UTC +5:30 UTC +6:30
Nepal (white color)  
UTC +5:45  

Asian countries with daylight saving time in 2025

Current time in Israel
Israel daylight saving 2025
Starts + 1h Ends - 1h
March-28 Fri.
2:00 → 3:00
Oct.-26 Sun.
2:00 → 1:00
IDT +3h daylight IST +2h standard
On Friday, March 28, at 2:00 am Israel turns the clock forward 1 hour On Sunday, October 26, at 2:00 am Israel turns the clock back 1 hour
Middle East Time / Asia Time
Current time in Lebanon
Lebanon daylight saving 2025
Starts + 1h Ends - 1h
March-30 Sun.
0:00 → 1:00
Oct.-26 Sun.
0:00 → 23:00
EEST +3h summer EET +2h standard
On Sunday, March 30, at 0:00 am Lebanon turns the clock forward 1 h On Sunday, October 26, at 0:00 am Lebanon turns the clock back 1 hour
Middle East Time / Asia Time
Palestinian Territories Daylight Saving Time
Current time in West Bank - Palestine
West Bank daylight saving 2025
Starts + 1h Ends - 1h
April-12 Sat.
0:20 → 3:00
Oct.-25 Sat.
2:00 → 1:00
EEST +3h summer EET +2h standard
On Saturday, April 12, at 2:00 am West Bank turns the clock forward 1 hour On Saturday, October 25, at 2:00 am West Bank turns the clock back 1 hour
Middle East Time / Asia Time
Current time in Gaza Strip - Palestine
Gaza Strip daylight saving 2025
Starts + 1h Ends - 1h
April -12 Sat.
2:00 → 3:00
Oct.-25 Sat.
2:00 → 1:00
EEST +3h summer EET +2h standard
On Saturday, April 12, at 2:00 am Gaza Strip turns the clock forward 1 hour On Saturday, October 25, at 2:00 am Gaza Strip turns the clock back 1 hour
Middle East Time / Asia Time

Current time in Cyprus
Cyprus daylight saving 2025
Starts + 1h Ends - 1h
March-30 Sun.
3:00 → 4:00
Oct.-26 Sun.
4:00 → 3:00
EEST +3h summer EET +2h standard
The last Sunday, in March 30, at 3:00 am Cyprus turns the clock forward 1 hour The last Sunday, October 26, at 4:00 am Cyprus turns the clock back 1 hour
Middle East Time / Asia Time
Current time in Egypt
Egypt daylight saving 2025
Starts + 1h Ends - 1h
April-25 Fri.
0:00 → 1:00
Oct.-31 Fri.
0:00 → 23:00
EEST +3h summer EET +2h standard
On Friday, March 25, at 0:00 am Egypt turns the clock forward 1 hour On Friday, October 31, at 0:00 am Egypt turns the clock back 1 hour
Middle East Time / Asia Time
Countries in Middle East that no longer use Daylight Saving Time
Current time in Jordan
Jordan No daylight saving
No daylight saving time
The last time change in Jordan was on October 5, 2022, at 0:00, when the clocks were turned back 1 hour, however, clocks were not changed because Jordan switched time zones from UTC +2 to UTC +3 at the same time.
Jordan's time zone will be UTC +3h throughout the year.
Middle East Time / Asia Time
Current time in Syria
Syria No daylight saving
No daylight saving time
The last time change in Syria was on October 4, 2022, at 0:00, whem the clocks were turned back 1 hour, however, clocks were not changed because Syria switched time zones from UTC +2 to UTC +3 at the same time.
Syria's time zone will be UTC +3h throughout the year.
Middle East Time / Asia Time
Current time in Iran
Iran No daylight saving
No daylight saving time
The last time change in Iran was on September 22, 2022, at 0:00, when the clocks were turned back 1 hour. Iran's time zone will be UTC +3h30 throughout the year.
Middle East Time / Asia Time

Middle East Time Zone Map

Middle East Map with current time and time zones.

Middle East Countries with some major cities.

Other maps of Asia:
Southeast Asia Map | Asia Map

Clocks symbols:

Daylight Saving Time Daylight Saving Time. Horario EstĆā€˛Äā‚¬Ā Ć„Ā¼Ä€Ā£Ä€Ā¼ndar o de Invierno UTC standard time, or winter time. No Daylight Saving Time No Daylight Saving Time throughout the year. 24 hour clock format

Clocks and symbols (daylight saving - winter) are updated in real time as the time changes in different Asia time zones.

Australia Time Zones Map See the current local time View Seychelles islands on the map of Africa