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Brazil time zones map - current time

Brazil spans 4 time zones ranging from UTC −02:00 to UTC −05:00 hours.
Time Zone -2 / Time Zone -3 (Central & South) / Time Zone -3 (Northeast) / Time Zone -4 (Mato Grosso) / Time Zone -4 (Amazon) / Time Zone -5. More info

Brazil does not observe daylight saving time
Brazil does not use daylight saving from summer 2019 inclusive. More info

The Clock time is updated if there is a time change, along with the time zone and summer or winter symbols. + info.
Brazil states by time zones with current time and time zone
South Brazil, Southeast Brazil and Goiás in (Central-West)
No daylight saving time since 2019
No daylight saving time change UTC -3h
State Capital
Federal District Brasilia
Espírito Santo Vitória
Goiás (Central-West) Goiânia
Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte
Paraná Curitiba
Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro
Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre
Santa Catarina Florianópolis
São Paulo São Paulo
Time Zone = UTC -3h
No daylight saving
See Brazil Map  
Northeast Brazil, + Amapá, Pará and Tocantins (North Brazil)
No daylight saving time change all year
States with the same time zone all year UTC -3h
State Capital
Alagoas Maceió
Amapá (North) Macapá
Bahía Salvador
Ceará Fortaleza
Maranhão São Luís
Pará (North) Belém
Paraíba João Pessoa
Pernambuco Recife
Piauí Teresina
Rio Grande do Norte Natal
Sergipe Aracaju
Tocantins (North) Palmas
Time Zone = UTC -3h
No daylight saving
Brazil Central-West
Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul there is no daylight saving time since 2019 UTC -4h
Mato Grosso Mato Grosso do Sul
Cuiabá Campo Grande
Várzea Grande Dourados
Time Zone = UTC -4h
No daylight saving
See Brazil Map  
Brazil Northwest - Acre and (Eirunepé and Envira in Amazon)
Acre, Eirunepé and Envira no daylight saving UTC -5h
Acre Amazon*
Cruzeiro do Sul Eirunepé
Rio Branco Envira
Time Zone = UTC -5h
No daylight saving
*Municipalities of Amazon near Acre
Brazil Northwest and Fernando de Noronha
No daylight saving time throughout the year
Amazon* Roraima
Manaus Boa Vista
Parintins Rorainópolis
Time Zone = UTC -4h
No daylight saving
*Except Eirunepé & Envira
Rondonia Fernando Noronha
Ji-Paraná Vila dos Remédios
Porto Velho Ilha Rata
Time Zone= UTC -4h
No daylight saving
Time Zone = UTC -2h
No daylight saving

Brazil without daylight saving

On February 17, 2019, Brazil turned back the clock in time zones where daylight saving time was used: South Brazil, Southeast Brazil, Goiás, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, however, on April 25, 2019, the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, signed the decree that puts an ended the daylight saving time that was scheduled for November 3, 2019.
Last time change in Brazil in 2019
Ends - 1h Cancelled 2019
Feb-17 Sun.
00:00 → 23:00
No daylight saving
*2 time zones *Time change exception Capital Capital Most populous city Most populous city Capital of the country Capital of the country

Clocks symbols:

Daylight Saving Time Daylight Saving Time. Standard or winter time UTC standard time, or winter time. No Daylight Saving Time No Daylight Saving Time throughout the year. 24 hour clock format

Clocks and symbols (daylight saving - winter) are updated in real time as the time changes in different Brazil time zones.