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With the end of daylight saving time in Canada on Sunday, November 3, 2024, Toronto, Canada will be 9 hours behind Dubai, United Arab Emirates. | Swap

Canada time zones vs
Middle East time zones

Canada spans 6 time zones, 4 main time zones, Pacific (British Columbia) / Mountain / Yukon Terr. / Central / Eastern / and Atlantic time / Newfoundland & Labrador. More info. | You can see Canada larger map

The Middle East spans 4 time zones, ranging from UTC +2h. to UTC +4h. EET (Israel) / AST (Saudi Arabia) / Iran / United Arab Emirates.

Canada Daylight Saving Time 2025
On Sunday, March 9, Canada turns the clock forward one hour, at 2:00 am it will be 3:00 am More info

Middle East Daylight Saving Time 2025
There are multiple DST dates, and only these countries observe daylight saving time:
Cyprus / Egipt / Lebanon / Israel / and Palestinian Territories: West Bank / Gaza Strip. More info.
Jordan, Syria and Iran no longer use daylight saving time. More info

You can quickly check the current time difference between the Canada and United Arab Emirates by viewing the current time zone at the top right of both countries. time zone clocks . clock symbols info

For ex. Toronto -5h vs Dubai +4h, there is a 9 hours difference, so Toronto is always 9 hours behind Dubai in standard time. During Canada Daylight Saving Time we will subtract 1 hour = -8 hours.
Toronto, Canada and Dubai, UAE coincide in standard time from the first Sunday of November (End of Canada Daylight Saving Time) until the 2nd Sunday of March of the following year. (Start of Canada Daylight Saving Time).

You can also refer to the 4 Time Zone Colors = Intervals that are multiples of 4 hours between the same colors.
For example, between Vancouver, British Columbia and Dubai, United Arab Emirates (both in pink) the time difference (in standard time), will be Vancouver 12 hours behind Dubai, UAE. During Vancouver Daylight Saving Time we will subtract 1 hour = -11 hours. See Maps

Time change and time difference Toronto, Canada vs. Dubai, United Arab Emirates

• As of (2nd Sunday in March) with the start of Canada daylight saving time, Toronto is -4h, and Dubai is +4h, so Toronto will be 8 hours behind Dubai.

• As of (1st Sunday in November) with the return to Canada standard time, Toronto is -5h and Dubai is +4h, so Toronto will be 9 hours behind Dubai.

Canada and Middle East map

Time difference between some provinces in Canada vs Middle East countries

*2 time zones *Time change exception Capital Capital Most populous city Most populous city Capital of the country Capital of the country

Canada time zones with current time map

There are 6 time zones in Canada that spans four and a half hours, ranging from UTC -8 (Pacific) to UTC -3:30 (Atlantic - NL) in standard time. From west to east these time zones are: Pacific, Mountain, Central, Eastern, Atlantic Time (Labrador) and Newfoundland & Labrador (NL). For time zone exceptions, see the enlarged map of Canada
Canada time zones - 24 hour clock format
Pacific time zone Mountain t. zone
Current Pacific Time Current Mountain Time
Vancouver (B.Columbia) Edmonton (Alberta)
CA Pacific Time Zone CA Mountain Time Z.
PST = standard -8h
PDT = daylight -7h
MST = standard -7h
MDT = daylight -6h
Central time zone Eastern time zone
Current Central Time Current Eastern Time
Winnipeg (Manitoba) Ottawa ON - Quebec
CA Central Time Zone CA Eastern Time Z.
CST = standard -6h
CDT = daylight -5h
EST = standard -5h
EDT = daylight -4h
2 time zones (east of Canada)
Atlantic Time Z. Newfoundland
Current Atlantic Time Newfoundland Time
Labrador City St. John's
AST = standard -4h
ADT = daylight -3h
NST = std -3h30
NDT = daylight -2h30
See moore Atlantic Zone more cities Newfoundland

The letters S (standard) and D (daylight), are the acronyms that show the current period of the time zone.
For example, PST Pacific standard time / PDT Pacific daylight time, plus the symbols that appear next to the clock time

Canada Atlantic Time Zone
Labrador N.L.* New Brunsbrick T.
Cartwright Dieppe
Churchill Falls Fredericton
Happy Vallley-G.Bay Moncton Most populous city
Hopedale Riverview
Labrador City Saint John
AST = standard -4h
ADT = daylight -3h
AST = standard -4h
ADT = daylight -3h
Nova Scotia Time Prince Edward Island
Amherst Cornwall
Cape Breton Charlottetown
Halifax Montague
New Glasgow Stratford
Truro Summerside
AST = standard -4h
ADT = daylight -3h
AST= standard -4h
ADT = daylight -3h
Quebec - Atlantic* Quebec - Atlantic*
Cap-aux-Meules Blanc-Sablon
Magdalen Islands Kegaska
AST = standard -4h
ADT = daylight -3h
AST= standard -4h
No daylight saving
more Atlantic time
Newfoundland N.L.* S.Pierre & Miquelon
Black Tickle  
Conception Bay South Saint Pierre
Corner Brook Saint Pierre and Miquelon, is a self-governing territorial overseas collectivity of France France overseas
UTC = standard -3h
UTC = daylight -2h
Grand Falls-Windsor
Mount Pearl
St. Anthony
St. John's
NST = std -3h30
NDT = dst -2h30

Daylight Saving Canada

Canadá observes daylight saving time in almost all States, except in most of the province of Saskatchewan, Yukon Territory, Southampton, some cities of Eastern Ontario, and some cities in Quebec on the Atlantic, which do not use Daylight saving time.

Daylight saving time in Canada begins on the second Sunday in March, at 2:00 a.m., moving the clock forward 1 hour and returning to winter or standard time on the first Sunday in November, at 2:00 a.m., turning the clock back 1 hour. Canada map.

Canada daylight saving time 2025
Starts + 1h Ends - 1h
March-9 Sun.
2:00 → 3:00
Nov.-2 Sun.
2:00 → 1:00
2nd Sunday in March, at 2:00 a.m., Canada turns the clock forward 1 hour 1st Sunday in November, at 2:00 a.m., Canada turns the clock back 1 hour
Pacific Time / Mountain Time / Central Time / Eastern Time / Atlantic Time / Newfoundland & Labrador.
Note: Baja California and the cities bordering Mexico with the US, make the same time change as the United States.

Middle East countries time zone

Eastern European Time
Israel (Jerusalem) Lebanon (Beirut)
Israel Time Eastern European Time
IST = standard +2h
IDT = daylight +3h
EET = standard +2h
EEST = summer +3h
Gaza Strip - Palestinian Territory West Bank - Palestinian Territory
Eastern European Time Eastern European Time
EET = standard +2h
EEST = summer +3h
EET = standard +2h
EEST = summer +3h
Egypt (Cairo) Cyprus (Nicosia)
Eastern European Time Eastern European Time
EET = standard +2h
EEST = summer +3h
EET = standard +2h
EEST = summer +3h
Note: All of these Middle Eastern countries observe Daylight Saving Time, and each of them uses a different DST date.
Middle East Time / Asia Time
AST / Turkey Iran
Arabia Standard Time Iran Standard Time
AST/UTC = +3h
No daylight saving
IRST/UTC = +3:30
No daylight saving
Bahrain (Manama) Iran*
Iraq (Baghdad) Ahvaz
Jordan (Amman)* Isfahan
Kuwait (Kuwait City) Karaj
Qatar (Doha) Kermanshah
Saudi Arabia (Riyadh) Mashhad
Socotra Island Qom
Syria (Damascus)* Shiraz
Turkey (Istanbul) TehranCapital of the country
Yemen (Sanaa) (the whole country)
Middle Eastern countries with cities
*From 2022, Jordan and Syria will permanently use the UTC +3h time zone, without daylight saving time. Previously they used standard time UTC+2 and UTC+3 in summer.
*From 2022, Iran no longer use daylight saving time and will permanently use the UTC +3:30 time zone. More info
United Arab Emirates
Gulf Standard Time
GST/UTC = +4h
No daylight saving
Abu Dhabi  Ras Al Khaimah
Ajman Sharjah
Dubai  Umm Al Quwain
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is made up of seven independent city-states: Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah and Umm Al Quwain.
Al-Ain a major city in Abu Dhabi
Gulf Standard Time
GST/UTC = +4h
No daylight saving
As Sīb Muscat 
Bawshar Salalah
Note: Only some countries in Middle East use daylight saving time
Middle Eastern countries with cities
Middle East Time / Asia Time

Middle East countries with daylight saving time

Current time in Israel
Israel daylight saving 2024
Starts + 1h Ends - 1h
March-29 Fri.
2:00 → 3:00
Oct.-27 Sun.
2:00 → 1:00
IDT +3h daylight IST +2h standard
On Friday, March 29, at 2:00 a.m., Israel turns the clock forward 1 hour On Sunday, October 27, at 2:00 a.m., Israel turns the clock back 1 hour
Middle East Time / Asia Time
Current time in Lebanon
Lebanon daylight saving 2024
Starts + 1h Ends - 1h
March-31 Sun.
0:00 → 1:00
Oct.-27 Sun.
0:00 → 23:00
EEST +3h summer EET +2h standard
On Sunday, March 31, at 0:00 a.m., Lebanon turns the clock forward 1 h On Sunday, October 27, at 0:00 a.m., Lebanon turns the clock back 1 hour
Middle East Time / Asia Time
Palestinian Territories Daylight Saving Time
Current time in West Bank - Palestine
West Bank daylight saving 2024
Starts + 1h Ends - 1h
April-13 Sat.
0:20 → 3:00
Oct.-26 Sat.
2:00 → 1:00
EEST +3h summer EET +2h standard
On Saturday, April 13, at 2:00 a.m., West Bank turns the clock forward 1 hour On Saturday, October 26, at 2:00 a.m., West Bank turns the clock back 1 hour
Middle East Time / Asia Time
Current time in Gaza Strip - Palestine
Gaza Strip daylight saving 2024
Starts + 1h Ends - 1h
April -13 Sat.
2:00 → 3:00
Oct.-26 Sat.
2:00 → 1:00
EEST +3h summer EET +2h standard
On Saturday, April 13, at 2:00 a.m., Gaza Strip turns the clock forward 1 hour On Saturday, October 26, at 2:00 a.m., Gaza Strip turns the clock back 1 hour
Middle East Time / Asia Time

Current time in Cyprus
Cyprus daylight saving 2024
Starts + 1h Ends - 1h
March-31 Sun.
3:00 → 4:00
Oct.-27 Sun.
4:00 → 3:00
EEST +3h summer EET +2h standard
The last Sunday, in March 31, at 3:00 a.m., Cyprus turns the clock forward 1 hour The last Sunday, October 27, at 4:00 a.m., Cyprus turns the clock back 1 hour
Middle East Time / Asia Time
Current time in Egypt
Egypt daylight saving 2024
Starts + 1h Ends - 1h
April-26 Fri.
0:00 → 1:00
Nov.-1 Fri.
0:00 → 23:00
EEST +3h summer EET +2h standard
On Friday, March 26, at 0:00 a.m., Egipt turns the clock forward 1 hour On Friday, November 1, at 0:00 a.m., Egypt turns the clock back 1 hour
Middle East Time / Asia Time
Countries in Middle East that no longer observe Daylight Saving Time
Current time in Jordan
Jordan No daylight saving
No daylight saving time
The last time change in Jordan was on October 5, 2022, at 0:00, when the clocks were turned back 1 hour, however, clocks were not changed because Jordan switched time zones from UTC +2 to UTC +3 at the same time.
Jordan's time zone will be UTC +3h throughout the year.
Middle East Time / Asia Time
Current time in Syria
Syria No daylight saving
No daylight saving time
The last time change in Syria was on October 4, 2022, at 0:00, whem the clocks were turned back 1 hour, however, clocks were not changed because Syria switched time zones from UTC +2 to UTC +3 at the same time.
Syria's time zone will be UTC +3h throughout the year.
Middle East Time / Asia Time
Current time in Iran
Iran No daylight saving
No daylight saving time
The last time change in Iran was on September 22, 2022, at 0:00, when the clocks were turned back 1 hour. Iran's time zone will be UTC +3h30 throughout the year.
Middle East Time / Asia Time

Middle East Time Zone Map

Middle East Map with current time and time zones.

Middle East Countries with some major cities.

Asia Map

Clocks symbols:

Daylight Saving Time Daylight Saving Time. Standard or winter time UTC standard time, or winter time. No Daylight Saving Time No Daylight Saving Time throughout the year. 24 hour clock format

Clocks and symbols (daylight saving - winter) are updated in real time as the time changes in different Canada and Middle East time zones.