You can quickly check the current time difference between the China and Canada by viewing the current time zone at the top right of both countries. time zone clocks . clock symbols info
You can also refer to the 4 Time Zone Colors = Intervals that are multiples of 4 hours between the same colors.
For example, between China and Vancouver, British Columbia, the time difference (in standard time) will be China 16 hours ahead of Vancouver, Canada. During Canada Daylight Saving Time we will subtract 1 hour = 15 hours.
The time in China is 13 hours ahead of Toronto, Ontario in standard time. During Canada Daylight Saving Time, from the Second Sunday March to First Sunday November, the time difference will be 12 hours from China.
Time difference | Time difference |
Beijing, China | Hong Kong, China |
Beijing Time Zone +8 No daylight saving |
Hong Kong Time Zone +8 No daylight saving |
Edmonton - | Edmonton - |
Halifax - | Halifax - |
Montreal - | Montreal - |
Regina - | Regina - |
St. John's - | St. John's - |
Toronto - | Toronto - |
Vancouver - | Vancouver - |
Winnipeg - | Winnipeg - |
vs. local time | vs. local time |
Asia Time Zones | Asia Time Zones |
Time difference | Time difference |
Shanghai, China | Taipei, Taiwan |
Shanghai Time Zone +8 No daylight saving |
Taiwan Time Zone +8 No daylight saving |
Edmonton - | Edmonton - |
Halifax - | Halifax - |
Montreal - | Montreal - |
Regina - | Regina - |
St. John's - | St. John's - |
Toronto - | Toronto - |
Vancouver - | Vancouver - |
Winnipeg - | Winnipeg - |
vs. local time | vs. local time |
Asia Time Zones | Asia Time Zones |
Time difference | Time difference |
Naypyidaw, Burma | Hanoi, Vietnam |
Burma Time Zone +6:30 No daylight saving |
Vietnam Time Zone +7 No daylight saving |
Edmonton - | Edmonton - |
Halifax - | Halifax - |
Montreal - | Montreal - |
Regina - | Regina - |
St. John's - | St. John's - |
Toronto - | Toronto - |
Vancouver - | Vancouver - |
Winnipeg - | Winnipeg - |
vs. local time | vs. local time |
Asia Time Zones | Asia Time Zones |
Time difference | Time difference |
Manila, Philippines | Tokyo, Japan |
Philippines Time Zone +8 No daylight saving |
Japan Time Zone +9 No daylight saving |
Edmonton - | Edmonton - |
Halifax - | Halifax - |
Montreal - | Montreal - |
Regina - | Regina - |
St. John's - | St. John's - |
Toronto - | Toronto - |
Vancouver - | Vancouver - |
Winnipeg - | Winnipeg - |
vs. local time | vs. local time |
Asia Time Zones | Asia Time Zones |
China | Taiwan |
China Time | Taiwan Time |
Beijing, China | Taipei, Taiwan |
Time Zone +8h. | Time Zone +8h. |
CST = standard +8h No daylight saving |
CST = standard +8h No daylight saving |
China standard time | China standard time |
Myanmar (Burma) | Indochina |
Burma Time | Vietnam Time |
Naypyidaw, Burma | Hanoi, Vietnam |
Time Zone +6:30h. | Time Zone +7h. |
Standard Time +6:30 No daylight saving |
Standard Time +7h No daylight saving |
Cambodia | Laos Thailand | Vietnam |
Manila, Philippines | Tokyo, Japan |
Philippines Time | Japan Time |
Manila, Philippines | Tokyo, Japan |
Time Zone +8h. | Time Zone +9h. |
PST = standard +8h No daylight saving |
JST = standard +9h No daylight saving |
Philippines standard time | Japan standard time |
North Korea | Northern Mariana Isl. |
Korea Time | N.Mariana Time |
Pyongyang, N. Korea | Saipan, N.Mariana Isl. |
South Korea | Guam |
Seoul, South Korea | Hagåtña, Guam |
Time Zone +9h. | Time Zone +10h. |
KST = standard +9h No daylight saving |
ChST = standard +10h No daylight saving |
Pacific time zone | Mountain t. zone |
Current Pacific Time | Current Mountain Time |
Vancouver (B.Columbia) | Edmonton (Alberta) |
CA Pacific Time Zone | CA Mountain Time Z. |
PST = standard -8h PDT = daylight -7h |
MST = standard -7h MDT = daylight -6h |
Central time zone | Eastern time zone |
Current Central Time | Current Eastern Time |
Winnipeg (Manitoba) | Ottawa ON - Quebec |
CA Central Time Zone | CA Eastern Time Z. |
CST = standard -6h CDT = daylight -5h |
EST = standard -5h EDT = daylight -4h |
Atlantic Time Z. | Newfoundland |
Current Atlantic Time | Newfoundland Time |
Labrador City | St. John's |
AST = standard -4h ADT = daylight -3h |
NST = std -3h30 NDT = daylight -2h30 |
See moore Atlantic Zone | more cities Newfoundland |
The letters S (standard) and D (daylight), are the acronyms that show the current period of the time zone.
For example, PST Pacific standard time / PDT Pacific daylight time, plus the symbols that appear next to the clock time
Labrador N.L.* | New Brunsbrick T. |
Cartwright | Dieppe |
Churchill Falls | Fredericton |
Happy Vallley-G.Bay | Moncton |
Hopedale | Riverview |
Labrador City | Saint John |
Nain | |
AST = standard -4h ADT = daylight -3h |
AST = standard -4h ADT = daylight -3h |
Nova Scotia Time | Prince Edward Island |
Amherst | Cornwall |
Cape Breton | Charlottetown |
Halifax | Montague |
New Glasgow | Stratford |
Truro | Summerside |
AST = standard -4h ADT = daylight -3h |
AST= standard -4h ADT = daylight -3h |
Quebec - Atlantic* | Quebec - Atlantic* |
Cap-aux-Meules | Blanc-Sablon |
Magdalen Islands | Kegaska |
AST = standard -4h ADT = daylight -3h |
AST= standard -4h No daylight saving |
more Atlantic time |
Newfoundland N.L.* | S.Pierre & Miquelon |
Black Tickle | |
Conception Bay South | Saint Pierre |
Corner Brook | Saint Pierre and Miquelon, is a self-governing territorial overseas collectivity of France UTC = standard -3h UTC = daylight -2h |
Gander | |
Grand Falls-Windsor | |
Mount Pearl | |
Paradise | |
St. Anthony | |
St. John's | |
NST = std -3h30 NDT = dst -2h30 |
Canada daylight saving time 2024 | |
Starts + 1h | Ends - 1h |
March-10 Sun. 2:00 → 3:00 |
Nov.-3 Sun. 2:00 → 1:00 |
2nd Sunday in March, at 2:00 a.m., Canada turns the clock forward 1 hour | 1st Sunday in November, at 2:00 a.m., Canada turns the clock back 1 hour |
Pacific Time / Mountain Time / Central Time / Eastern Time / Atlantic Time / Newfoundland & Labrador. |