Time difference
daylight Daylight Saving Time savings
Daylight Savings Time Local Time

Asia time zone map| + Asian countries
Daylight Savings Current Local Time
Daylight Savings Current Local Time
Hora local is +9 hours than Local Time
It's the same time
Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) DST (Daylight Saving Time)
Standard Time or winter Time Standard local Time or winter time
NO DST (No Daylight Saving Time) - Does not use daylight saving time Does not observe daylight savings More info

Time difference - Current local time - USA Time Zone Map - Canada Time Zone Map - Europe Time Zone Map - Canada Time Zone Map - Australia Time Zone Map - Mexico Time Zone Map - South America Time Zone Map - Africa Time Zone Map

Daylight Saving Time Daylight saving time
USA Canada Europe Australia
Africa Mexico Asia World

Asia uses a total of 13 time zones ranging from, UTC +2 to UTC +9. more info.
Of which, 4 time zones use intermediate time slots of 1/2 hour and Nepal of 45 minutes.

Asian Daylight Saving Time is only used in some countries in West Asia:
Lebanon - Cyprus - Israel and Palestinian Territories.
More info daylight savings.

Time difference
USA Canada Europe Australia
Africa Mexico China M. East
Only the countries with the symbol Daylight saving time use daylight saving time, in some period of the year, the rest of the Asian countries use the same time zone throughout the year.
A - L M - Z
 Afghanistan  Malaysia
 Armenia  Maldives
 Azerbaijan  Mongolia
 Bahrain  Myanmar (Burma)
 Bangladesh  Nepal
 Bhutan  North Korea
 Brunei  Oman
 Cambodia  Pakistan
 China  Palestine Daylight saving time
 Cyprus Daylight saving time West-Bank / Gaza
 Georgia  Philippines
Andaman &
Nicobar Islands

 Saudi Arabia
 South Korea
Jakarta (west)
Makassar (central)
Manokwari (east)
 Sri Lanka
 Iran*  Thailand
 Iraq  Timor-Leste
 Israel Daylight saving time  Turkey
 Japan  Turkmenistan
 Jordan*  United Arab Emirates
 Kazakhstan  Uzbekistan
 Kuwait  Vietnam
 Kyrgyzstan  Yemen / Socotra
 Lebanon Daylight saving time  
* Iran cancels cancels daylight saving time since the clock was turned back on 9/22/2022
* Syria cancels daylight saving time since the clock was turned back on 10/4/2022
* Jordan cancels daylight saving time since the clock was turned back on 10/5/2022
Asia time zone map
World time zone Maps
USA Canada Europe Australia
Mexico S. America Africa Asia
Time Zones US Time change US
(*) USA states with 2 time zones
Europe Time Zones Time change Europe
Time Zones México Time change México
Central America Time Central American time change
Belize - Costa Rica - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua - Panama.
None of the Central American countries observe DST throughout the year NO DST (No Daylight Saving Time) Does not use daylight saving time throughout the year
Note: Only 2 countries in South America use the Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) during the summer period:
Chile, and (Easter Island of Chile), and Paraguay. The rest of the countries of South America, do not observe DST throughout the year NO DST (No Daylight Saving Time) Does not use daylight saving time throughout the year

Symbols displayed in the hour
3 Symbols are used to indicate the time zones: Summer, Standard or Winter, and No dst.

The current time zone is shown on the right side of the locality.

Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) Daylight Saving Time or summer time, -except Lord Howe Island- it is 1h. more with respect to the standard o local time zone.

Standard Time or winter Time Winter Time or Standard local time UTC/ GMT, is the one used the rest of the year, when there is no DST summer time.

NO DST (No Daylight Saving Time) Does not use daylight saving time throughout the year Do not use daylight saving time throughout the year. (No Daylight Saving Time). The whole year uses the same time zone.

The hours +1h. +2h. etc. o -1h. -2h. etc. which appear to the right side of to the Locality, inticate the Current Time Zone of the Locality just at the time of consultation.

For example, if the Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) symbol appears on the clock and you want to know the local time zone, the (UTC/GMT), you must subtract one hour (except Lord Howe 30 minutes)

If the clock shows the symbol Standard Time or winter Time it corresponds just with the standard time zone of the locality UTC/GMT, or the winter time.

The time with the symbol NO DST (No Daylight Saving Time) Does not use daylight saving time throughout the year, as well as the winter symbol, corresponds to the local time or standard UTC/GMT time zone, with the difference that the time zone does not change throughout the year.

Some examples with No dst: Hawaii - Iceland - India - Argentina - Peru - Arizona - China - Russia - Venezuela - Ecuador - Sonora - Cancún.

Time difference - Current local time - USA Time Zone Map - Canada Time Zone Map - Europe Time Zone Map - Canada Time Zone Map - Australia Time Zone Map - Mexico Time Zone Map - South America Time Zone Map - Africa Time Zone Map