You can quickly check the current time difference between India or Southeast Asía and the US by viewing the current time zone at the top right of both countries. time zone clocks . clock symbols info
You can also refer to the 4 Time Zone Colors = Intervals that are multiples of 4 hours between the same colors*.
For example, between Singapore or Malaysia vs California (in pink color) the time difference (in standard time) will be Singapore or Malaysia 16 hours ahead of California, US. During US Daylight Saving Time we will subtract 1 hour = 15 hours behind.
The time in Indian in standard time will be 10:30 hours ahead of New York, United States. During US Daylight Saving Time, from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November, the time difference will be 9:30 hours ahead of India.
• As of (2nd Sunday in March) with the start of US daylight saving time, New York is -4h, and New Delhi is +5:30h, so New Delhi will be 9:30 hours ahead of New York.
• As of (1st Sunday in November) with the return to US standard time, New York is -5h and New Delhi +5:30h, so New Delhi will be 10:30 hours ahead of New York.
Time difference | Time difference |
New Delhi, India | Beijing, China |
New Delhi Time Zone +5:30 No daylight saving |
Beijing Time Zone +8 No daylight saving |
New York | New York |
Illinois | Illinois |
Colorado | Colorado |
Arizona | Arizona |
California | California |
Florida | Florida |
Texas | Texas |
Hawaii | Hawaii |
Alaska | Alaska |
vs. local time | vs. local time |
Southeast Asia | Southeast Asia |
Time difference | Time difference |
Jakarta, Indonesia | Singapore, Singapore |
Jakarta Time Zone +7 No daylight saving |
Singapore Time Zone +8 No daylight saving |
New York | New York |
Illinois | Illinois |
Colorado | Colorado |
Arizona | Arizona |
California | California |
Florida | Florida |
Texas | Texas |
Hawaii | Hawaii |
Alaska | Alaska |
vs. local time | vs. local time |
Southeast Asia | Southeast Asia |
Time difference | Time difference |
Naypyidaw, Burma | Hanoi, Vietnam |
Burma Time Zone +6:30 No daylight saving |
Vietnam Time Zone +7 No daylight saving |
New York | New York |
Illinois | Illinois |
Colorado | Colorado |
Arizona | Arizona |
California | California |
Florida | Florida |
Texas | Texas |
Hawaii | Hawaii |
Alaska | Alaska |
vs. local time | vs. local time |
Southeast Asia | Southeast Asia |
Time difference | Time difference |
Manila, Philippines | Manokwari, Indonesia |
Philippines Time Zone +8 No daylight saving |
Manokwari Time Zone +9 No daylight saving |
New York | New York |
Illinois | Illinois |
Colorado | Colorado |
Arizona | Arizona |
California | California |
Florida | Florida |
Texas | Texas |
Hawaii | Hawaii |
Alaska | Alaska |
vs. local time | vs. local time |
Southeast Asia | Southeast Asia |
USA daylight saving time 2024 | |
Starts + 1h | Ends - 1h |
March-10 Sun. 2:00 → 3:00 |
Nov.-3 Sun. 2:00 → 1:00 |
2nd Sunday in March, at 2:00 a.m., US turns the clock forward 1 hour | 1st Sunday in November, at 2:00 a.m., US turns the clock back 1 hour |