Home Daylight saving time change calendar 2025 Current local time and time change Time Europe US Canada T. difference AU Australia MX Mexico Asia World World
With the start of daylight saving time in the US on Sunday, March 9, 2025, Sydney, Australia will be 15 hours ahead of New York, Eastern US. | Swap

Australia time zones
USA time zones

Australia spans 5 time zones, 4 main time zones: Western - Central - Eastern - Central Western (Eucla) - and Lord Howe Island. More info. | You can see Australia larger map or World Time Zone Map.

The United States spans 9 time zones, with 4 main time zones, Pacific / Mountain / Central / Eastern. More info. | You can see US larger map

Australia Daylight Saving Time 2025
On Sunday, April 6, Australia turns the clock back one hour, at 3:00 am it will be 2:00 am. More info

US Daylight Saving Time 2025
On Sunday, March 9, the United States turned the clock forward one hour, at 2:00 am it was 3:00 am More info

You can quickly check the current time difference between Australia and the USA by viewing the current time zone at the top right of both countries. time zone clocks . clock symbols info

For ex. Sydney +10h versus to New York -5h, there is a difference of 15 hours, so Sydney is always 15 hours ahead of New York in standard time. Although due to their opposite latitudes, their different time changes mean that they never coincide in standard time.

You can also refer to the 4 Time Zone Colors = Intervals that are multiples of 4 hours between the same colors.
For example, between Sydney, Australia and Illinois, US (both in brown) the time difference (in standard time) will be Sydney 16 hours ahead of Illinois, US. Another example: Melbourne and Texas (both in standard time) will be Melbourne 16 hours ahead of Texas.

Time change and time difference Sydney, Australia vs. New York, US

• As of (1st Sunday in October) with the start of Australian daylight saving time, Sydney is +11h while USA (still with daylight saving time from March) New York is -4h, so Sydney will be 15 hours ahead of New York.

• As of (1st Sunday in November) with the return to US standard time, New York is -5h and Sydney is +11h, so Sydney will be 16 hours ahead of New York, difference that is maintained until the 2nd Sunday of March of the following year.

• As of (2nd Sunday in March of the following year) with the start of US daylight saving time, New York is -4h and Sydney is +11h, so Sydney will be 15 hours ahead of New York.

• As of (1st Sunday in April) with the return to Australian Standard Time, Sydney is +10h and New York is -4h, so Sydney will be 14 hours ahead of New York.

Australia and USA current time and time zone

Time difference between some Australian cities vs US states

The Clock time is updated with the time change, along with the time zone and summer or winter symbols. + info.
Several states in the Eastern US (Central ← Eastern) and Central US (Mountain ← Central), have locations that use the contiguous states time zone.

Australia time zones with current time - map

There are 5 time zones, in Australia from west to east: Western Australian Time (Perth)- Western Central Australian Time (Eucla) - Central Australian Time, North (Darwin) & South (Adelaide) ) - Eastern Australian Time (Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart) - Lord Howe Time. Clock symbol info
Australia time zones - 24 hour clock format
Western Australia South Australia
Western Standard T. Current Central Time
Perth Adelaide
AWST = std +8
No daylight saving
ACST = std +9:30
ACDT= dst +10:30
Central Western Northern Territory
Eucla Standard T. Central Standard Time
Eucla Darwin
UTC = std +8:45
No daylight saving
ACST = std +9:30
No daylight saving
Australia Time Zone map - current time
Large cities in Australia by time zones
AWST: Australian Western Standard Time
ACWST: Aust. Central W. Std Time (Eucla)
ACST: Australian Central Standard Time
AEST: Australian Eastern Standard Time
LHST: Lord Howe Standard Time
New South Wales Victoria
Current Eastern time Current Eastern time
Sydney Melbourne
AEST = std +10
AEDT=daylight +11
AEST = std +10
AEDT = daylight +11
Queensland Tasmania
Eastern Standard T. Current Eastern Time
Brisbane Hobart
AEST = std +10
No daylight saving
AEST = std +10
AEDT = daylight +11
Lord Howe Island
Note that Lord Howe only turns the clock forward and back 30 minutes, and ends DST at 2:00 instead of 3:00. See daylight saving Lord Howe Time
Lord Howe
UTC = std +10:30
UTC = dst +11:00
Adding 3 Australian dependencies, Cocos Islands - Christmas Island - and Norfolk Island, Australia spans a total of 8 Time Zones.
3 Australian dependencies
Cocos Islands Time
Cocos Islands
UTC = standard +6:30
No daylight saving
Cocos Islands: same time zone as Myanmar (Burma) UTC +6:30
Christmas Island Time
Chritsmas Island
UTC = standard +7:00
No daylight saving
Norfolk Island Time
Norfolk (Kingston)
UTC = standard +11:00
UTC = daylight +12:00
The letters S (standard) and D (daylight), are the acronyms that show the current period of the time zone.
For example, AEST Australian Eastern Standard Time / AEDT Australian Eastern Daylight Time, more summer / winter symbols, which appear next to the clock time.

Time change Australia 2025

Daylight saving time change in Australia is used only in the territories of South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, *Lord Howe Island (30'), and Norfolk Island.

The first Sunday, April 6 at 3:00 am Australia turns the clock back 1 hour.
The first Sunday, October 5 at 2:00 am Australia turns the clock forward 1 hour.

*Lord Howe Island
The first Sunday, April 6 at 2:00 am Lord Howe turns the clock back 0:30 hours.
The first Sunday, October 5 at 2:00 am Lord Howe turns the clock forward 0:30 hours

Australia daylight saving 2025
Ends - 1h Starts + 1h
April - 6 Sun.
3:00 → 2:00
Oct - 5 Sun.
2:00 → 3:00
Lord Howe daylight saving 2025
Ends - 0:30' Starts + 0:30'
April - 6 Sun.
2:00 → 1:30
Oct - 5 Sun.
2:00 → 2:30
*2 time zones *Time change exception Capital Capital Most populous city Most populous city Capital of the country Capital of the country

US time zones with current time - map

US time zones - 24 hour clock format
Pacific time zone Mountain t. zone
Current Pacific Time Current Mountain Time
Los Angeles (CA) Denver (Colorado)
US Pacific Time Zone US Mountain Time Z.
PST = standard -8h
PDT = daylight -7h
MST = standard -7h
MDT = daylight -6h
*The Pacific Zone and the Mountain Zone share time zones Arizona Mountain Time
Shared time zones Pacific ⇄ Mountain on large US map
Arizona Mountain T.
  MST = standard -7h
No daylight saving
Central time zone Eastern time zone
Current Central Time Current Eastern Time
Chicago (Illinois) New York
US Central Time Zone US Eastern Time Z.
CST = standard -6h
CDT = daylight -5h
EST = standard -5h
EDT = daylight -4h
*Central US states with 2 time zones *Eastern US states with 2 time zones
2 US time zones - not contiguous -
Alaska Time Zone Hawaii Time Zone
Juneau Capital Honolulu Capital
Alaska Time Zone Hawaii Time Zone
AKST = standard -9h
AKDT = daylight -8h
HST = std -10h
No daylight saving
3 US dependencies, no DST
Atlantic time zone
Puerto Rico
US Virgin Islands
AST = standard -4h
No daylight saving
American Samoa time
American Samoa
Pago Pago Capital
SST = standard -11h
No daylight saving
Chamorro time zone
Northern Mariana Islands
ChST = standard +10h
No daylight saving

The US spans 4 main time zones, from west to east: Pacific Time - Mountain Time - Central Time - Eastern Time.
2 non-contiguous time zones: Alaska Time and Hawaii Islands Time, and 3 US dependencies which none of them use daylight saving time.
* There are 2 more time zones corresponding to US Minor Outlying Islands. more info on wiki
The letters S (standard) and D (daylight), are the acronyms that show the current period of the time zone.
For example, PST Pacific standard time / PDT Pacific daylight time, plus the symbols that appear next to the clock time

Daylight Saving United States

The United States observes daylight saving time in almost all States, except for most of Arizona UTC -7h, and the Hawaiian Islands UTC-10h, which maintains the same time zone throughout the year.

Daylight saving time in US begins on the second Sunday in March, at 2:00 a.m., moving the clock forward 1 hour and returning to winter or standard time on the first Sunday in November, at 2:00 a.m., turning the clock back 1 hour. US map.

USA daylight saving time 2025
Starts + 1h Ends - 1h
March-9 Sun.
2:00 → 3:00
Nov.-2 Sun.
2:00 → 1:00
2nd Sunday in March, at 2:00 a.m., US turns the clock forward 1 hour 1st Sunday in November, at 2:00 a.m., US turns the clock back 1 hour
Pacific Time / Mountain Time / Central Time / Eastern Time
Note: Baja California and the cities bordering Mexico with the US, make the same time change as the United States.

Clocks symbols:

Daylight Saving Time Daylight Saving Time. Standard or winter time UTC standard time, or winter time. No Daylight Saving Time No Daylight Saving Time throughout the year. 24 hour clock format

Clocks and symbols (daylight saving - winter) are updated in real time as the time changes in different Australia and US time zones.