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US time zones map and current time

The United States spans 9 time zones , with 4 main time zones, Pacific / Mountain / Central / Eastern. In addition to Alaska, Hawaii, and 3 US dependencies. More info. | US vs Europe| US vs Australia

Several states in the Eastern US (Central ← Eastern) and Central US (Mountain ← Central), have locations that use the contiguous states time zone.

US Daylight Saving Time 2025
On Sunday, March 9, the United States turned the clock forward one hour, at 2:00 am it was 3:00 am. Daylight Saving Time Started. More info.

The Clock time is updated with the time change, along with the time zone and summer or winter symbols. + info. 24 hour clock format. World Time Map
US states by time zones with current time and time zone
US Alaska Time* Arizona (Mountain T.)*
AKST = standard -9h
AKDT = daylight -8h
MST = standard -7h
No daylight saving
Anchorage Most populous city Chandler
Fairbanks Mesa
Juneau Capital Phoenix Capital
Wasilla Tucson (+ cities)
Alaska Time Zone Exceptions Arizona Time Zone Exceptions
HST = std -10h
HDT = daylight -9h
MST = standard -7h
MDT = daylight -6h
Adak (Alaska) Navajo Nation*AZ
Aleutian Islands (AK) Window Rock *AZ
Hawaiian islands Time Zones

4-color time zones = intervals that are multple of 4-hour between the same colors, except when the countries or states do not coincide in daylight saving time.
In time zones without DST, the color is usually dimmed. +info
HST = std -10h
No daylight saving
East Honolulu
Honolulu Capital
Mililani Town
Pearl City
Waipahu World Time Zone
*2 time zones *Time change exception Capital Capital Most populous city Most populous city Capital of the country Capital of the country

US time zones with current time - map

US time zones - 24 hour clock format
Pacific time zone Mountain t. zone
Current Pacific Time Current Mountain Time
Los Angeles (CA) Denver (Colorado)
US Pacific Time Zone US Mountain Time Z.
PST = standard -8h
PDT = daylight -7h
MST = standard -7h
MDT = daylight -6h
PST: Pacific Standard Time
PDT: Pacific Daylight Time
MST: Mountain Standard Time
MDT: Mountain Daylight Time
*Shared time zones Pacific ⇄ Mountain *US Mountain states with 2 time zones
  Arizona time zone
  Arizona Mountain T.
About the colors of time zones MST = standard -7h
No daylight saving
  MST: Mountain Standard Time
NO DST: No Daylight Time
Central time zone Eastern time zone
Current Central Time Current Eastern Time
Chicago (Illinois) New York (NY)
US Central Time Zone US Eastern Time Z.
CST = standard -6h
CDT = daylight -5h
EST = standard -5h
EDT = daylight -4h
CST: Central Standard Time
CDT: Central Daylight Time
EST: Eastern Standard Time
EDT: Eastern Daylight Time
Central US states with 2 time zones
*Eastern US states with 2 time zones
Hawaii time zone Alaska time zone
Honolulu Capital Juneau Capital
Hawaii Time Zone Alaska Time Zone
HST = std -10h
No daylight saving
AKST = standard -9h
AKDT = daylight -8h
HST: Hawaii Standard Time
NO DST: No Daylight Time
AKST: Alaska Standard Time
AKDT: Alaska Daylight Time
3 US dependencies, no DST
Atlantic time zone
Puerto Rico
US Virgin Islands
AST = standard -4h
No daylight saving
American Samoa time
American Samoa
Pago Pago Capital
SST = standard -11h
No daylight saving
Chamorro time zone
Northern Mariana Islands
ChST = standard +10h
No daylight saving
US Minor Outlying Islands, no DST
Anywhere on Earth
Baker Island
Howland Island
AoE = standard -12h
No daylight saving
Samoa Standard Time
Midway Islands
Jarvis Island
Johnston Atoll
Kingman Reef
Palmyra Atoll
SST = standard -11h
No daylight saving
Wake Time
Wake Island
WAKT = standard +12h
No daylight saving

The US spans 4 main time zones, from west to east: Pacific Time - Mountain Time - Central Time - Eastern Time.
2 non-contiguous time zones: Alaska Time and Hawaii Islands Time, and 3 US dependencies with 3 time zones, none of which use daylight saving time.
* There is one more time zone, UTC -12, used on the Pacific Islands, Baker Island and Howland Island, Anywhere on Earth (AoE), corresponding to the US Outlying Minor Islands. more info on wiki
The letters S (standard) and D (daylight), are the acronyms that show the current period of the time zone.
For example, PST Pacific standard time / PDT Pacific daylight time, plus symbols that appear next to the clock time

Daylight Saving United States

The United States observes daylight saving time in almost all States, except for most of Arizona UTC -7h, and the Hawaiian Islands UTC-10h, which maintains the same time zone throughout the year.

Daylight saving time in US begins on the second Sunday in March, at 2:00 a.m., turning the clock forward 1 hour and returning to winter or standard time on the first Sunday in November, at 2:00 a.m., turning the clock back 1 hour. US map.

Information: On March 15, 2022, the US Senate approved a bill to maintain daylight saving time permanently in all US states, however for now it remains as it is and has not become a Law, since it is pending approval by the House of Representatives.

USA daylight saving time 2025
Starts + 1h Ends - 1h
March-9 Sun.
2:00 → 3:00
Nov.-2 Sun.
2:00 → 1:00
2nd Sunday in March, at 2:00 a.m., US turns the clock forward 1 hour 1st Sunday in November, at 2:00 a.m., US turns the clock back 1 hour
Pacific Time / Mountain Time / Central Time / Eastern Time
Note: Baja California and the cities bordering Mexico with the US, make the same time change as the United States.

Clocks symbols:

Daylight Saving Time Daylight Saving Time. Standard or winter time UTC standard time, or winter time. No Daylight Saving Time No Daylight Saving Time throughout the year. 24 hour clock format

Clocks and symbols (daylight saving - winter) are updated in real time as the time changes in different US time zones.