Home Daylight saving time change calendar 2025 Current local time and time change Time Europe US Canada T. difference AU Australia MX Mexico Asia World World
To get a quick view of the time difference between countries, you can refer to the 4 basic colors used in the time zone = Multiples of 4 hours.
For ex. between London, UK and Los Angeles, CA, (both in winter or summer) the difference will be 8h.
The United Statesand Canadastarted daylight saving time on Sunday, March 9, 2025, New York, California, Texas, Colorado... | Ontario, British Columbia, Manitoba, Alberta... | 2025 DST Calendar.
Europestarts daylight saving time on Sunday, March 30, 2025, Central Europe, France, Spain, Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom, Ireland, Finland, Sweden...

World time zones map and current time

World time zone map, current local time and time zone. GMT Time, 4 time zones colors. Summer and winter time zone or NO DST (no daylight saving time). More info

Time Zone Maps with current time: USA / Canada / Europe / Mexico Australia / Asia - India and S.East Asia / UAE

Daylight saving time in some countries:
Some time changes for 2025
: US / Canada / Baja California / Europe / Mexico (border cities) / Cuba / The Bahamas / Spain / Australia / Israel / Palestine / Mexico (Only Baja California and the US-Mexico border cities observe daylight saving time).

2025 Daylight Savings Time Calendar
Time Zone Maps: US-Canada | US-Europe

The Clock time is updated with the time change, along with the time zone and summer or winter symbols. + info. 24 hour clock format.
Pacific Time Mountain Time
California Colorado
PST = standard -8h
PDT = daylight -7h
MST = standard -7h
MDT = daylight -6h
Central Time Eastern Time
Texas New York
CST = standard -6h
CDT = daylight -5h
EST = standard -5h
EDT = daylight -4h
Time Zones Mountain T. Arizona*

Time zones with 4 colors = intervals that are multiples of 4 hours between countries with the same colors.
Countries that do not use daylight saving time usually have a lighter color. For example, Arizona vs. Colorado on the US map. More about colors
No daylight saving
*Except Navajo Nation
Hawaii Alaska (Adak*)
Honolulú Ciudad más poblada Juneau Ciudad más poblada
No daylight saving in all of Hawaii AKST = standard -9h
AKDT = daylight -8h
  *Except Adak UTC -10 / -9
Europe Europe
Western Europe Central Europe
Ireland Germany
Portugal France
United Kingdom Spain
WET = standard 0h
WEST = daylight +1h
CET = standard +1h
CEST = daylight +2h
Eastern Europe* Eastern Europe* MSK
Finland Belarus
Greece Moscow
Romania Turkey
EET = standard +2h
EEST = daylight +3h
MSK = Moscow Time.
No daylight saving +3h
Canada Canada
British Columbia Alberta
Vancouver Most populous city Calgary Most populous city
PST = standard -8h
PDT = daylight -7h
MST = standard -7h
MDT = daylight -6h
Newfoundland & Labrador * Newfoundland & Labrador *
Labrador City St. John's
AST = standard -4h
ADT = daylight -3h
NST = std -3h30
NDT = dst -2h30
Manitoba Ontario (east zone)*
Winnipeg Toronto
CST = standard -6h
CDT = daylight -5h
EST = standard -5h
EDT = daylight -4h
Saskatchewan* Quebec (east zone)*
Regina Most populous city Montreal Most populous city
CST = standard -6h
No daylight saving
EST = standard -5h
EDT = daylight -4h
* 2 time zones Capital Capital Most populous city Capital of the country Capital of the country
- More locations and time changes in daylight saving calendar.

World Time Zones

In order to regulate the schedules of the different land points, it was decided to divide the 360º terrestrial sphere between 24 time zones of 15º equivalent to 1 hour.

Taking as reference the Meridian 0º of Greenwinch or UTC 0º = 0 hours, the earth is divided into 2 hemispheres, with 12 time zones to the east (0 to +12) and 12 time zones to the west (0 to -12).

24 Time Zones*

Actually there are 3 more time zones* that take place on the international date line which coincides with the 180º meridian that marks the change of day date.

There are also countries or localities whose geographical location and/or for convenience, use different intermediate times* bands to the exact meridians 15º as they are: Iran - St. John's - Afghanistan - India (Sri Lanka) - Nepal - Myanmar - Eucla - Northern Territory of Australia - South Australia - Lord Howe Island (in winter) - Chatham Islands. These countries use time slots of 30 or 45 minutes. Most of these time zones are between Asia and Oceania

Time Zones colors

4 colors to differentiate the time zones - - - that conform to the time bands of 1 hour = meridians of 15º. Except intermediates zones.

In turn, these colors can be practical to visualize the time difference between countries with the same color, since they are multiples of 4 hours. (4 colors). World Time Zone Map

Eg. If we wanted to see at a glance the time difference between California and the United Kingdom (both countries with the same pink time zone color), the time difference between both countries will be 8 hours, (multiple of 4 hours) except when the countries or states do not coincide in daylight saving time. US vs Europe Map

For ex: between New York and Saudi Arabia, both countries in yellow, (except during New York's Daylight Savings Time), the difference between those countries will be 8 hours US vs Middle East Mapor in green, Colorado and France, all of them (multiples of 4 hours). The same would apply to other countries with the same color. US vs Europe Map

New York  / Saudi Arabia
UTC -5:00 / -4:00 UTC +3:00
Illinois  / Finland /
UTC -6:00 / -5:00 UTC +2:00 / +3:00
Colorado  / France  /
UTC -7:00 / -6:00 UTC +1:00 / +2:00
California  / U. Kingdom /
UTC -8:00 / -7:00 UTC +0:00 / +1:00
See world map

Intermediate Time Zones

Some countries do not adjust like most, to the exact hour of 60 minutes (1 hour), corresponding to the multiples of meridian of 15º.

To differentiate those countries from the rest, these intermediate time slots have been associated with 5 additional colors.
In this way, it can be easier to distinguish them from most countries that adhere to the 1-hour time slot. For example: India/Asiaor Middle East Map with more colors added to the 4 basic colors.

Countries or localities that conform to a time slot of 30' are: Afghanistan- Chatham Islands - Eucla - India (Sri Lanka) - Iran - Lord Howe Island (in winter) - Myanmar - Newfoundland (St. John's) - Northern Territory of Australia - South Australia.
Eucla - Chatham Island - Nepal, adjusts to a 45 minute or 3/4 hour time slot.

Sorted by time slots from lowest to highest

St. John's  / Iran 
UTC -3:30 / -2:30 UTC +3:30
Afghanistan India / Sri Lanka
UTC +4:30 UTC +5:30
Nepal (in white) Myanmar Burma
UTC +5:45 UTC +6:30
Eucla (W. Australia) Broken Hill /
UTC +8:45 UTC +9:30 / +10:30
N.T. Australia (Map) S. Australia /
UTC +9:30 UTC +9:30 / +10:30
Lord Howe / Chatham Isl /
UTC +10:30 /+11:00 UTC +12:45 /+13:45
See world map

Exception in time change

All the countries that make the time change, advance the clock forward 1 hour during the summer period, and after a few months they go back that hour, with some exceptions, such as for example.

Lord Howe Island UTC +10:30 belonging to Australia, which is only 30' ahead and behind. With this, during the summer period, it equates the same time zone to UTC +11h. with the Australian Territories: New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania using UTC +10h. in winter. Australia Map.

Clocks symbols:

Daylight Saving Time Daylight Saving Time. Daylight saving time UTC standard time, or winter time. No Daylight Saving Time No Daylight Saving Time throughout the year. 24 hour clock format

Clocks and symbols (daylight saving - winter) updated in real time as time changes in different World time zones.

Time Zone Colors:

This map has tried to keep the four basic colors used from the first wikipedia time zone map, except for the pistachio green color, which to differentiate it from the rest, has been replaced by a pink color, (yellow - [orange- brown] - green - pink). See world map | more info